Canna Herbis | Cremas Cannabis



Una crema de Cannabis en textura gel que combina el Cannabis con ingredientes activos naturales indicados para el masaje frecuente de la piel en zonas de músculos y articulaciones. Ideal para aplicar tras un duro día de trabajo o tras ejercicio físico.


Alivia el dolor muscular y articular de forma eficaz, proporcionando una reconfortante sensación de relajación

Alto contenido en Aceite y extracto de semilla de Cannabis


Su fórmula contiene contiene un alto contenido en Aceite y extracto de semilla de Cannabis junto a otros ingredientes activos con efecto antiinflamatorio natural.

  • Aceite de semilla de Cannabis
  • Alcanfor
  • Aceite de Cajeput
  • Extracto de Benjuí de Siam
  • Extracto de Tomillo

Respetuosa con tu piel y con el planeta


¿Sabías que cada hectárea de cáñamo absorbe hasta 22 toneladas de CO2 del aire? Su cultivo absorbe más CO2 por hectárea que cualquier bosque o cultivo comercial y, por lo tanto, es el “desagüe” de carbono ideal. Un recurso ideal para reducir la contaminación de nuestro planeta.

Productos Canna Herbis


Disponible en formato 50 ml (perfecto para el equipaje de mano) o 330 ml



Do you want to introduce this booming product category in your business?

If you are looking to expand your portfolio with innovative, sustainable and healthy products, you've come to the right place! At greenmotiv we offer you the best natural Cannabis & CBD products, meeting the highest quality and safety standards.

Don't be in doubt! If you would like to request more information, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you and advise you on the conditions that best suit your business.

Herbalists, health food stores, pharmacies, drugstores, parapharmacies and eco-bio stores already have this new range of products in full expansion.


Do you want to distribute hemp products?

If you are looking to expand your portfolio with innovative, sustainable and healthy products, you've come to the right place! At greenmotiv we offer you the best natural Cannabis products, complying with the highest quality and safety standards.

Don't be in doubt! If you would like to request more information, please contact us. We will be happy to assist you and advise you on the conditions that best suit your business.

Herbalists, health food stores, parapharmacies and eco-bio stores already have this new range of products in full expansion.

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