Healthy Vitalidad Transdermal CBD Patches

Discover prolonged relief the natural way with the Healthy Vitality CBD Transdermal Patch . With 32 mg of Cannabidiol, these CBD patches are designed for a gradual and steady release of CBD, enhancing and optimizing its absorption and assimilation continuously for 24 hours.

A hypoallergenic adhesive of small size (4.5 cm), transparent and waterproof, which is comfortably placed on the skin and releases the active ingredient of CBD (Cannabidiol) continuously in the desired area, offering a comfortable, discreet and controlled administration. Its continued use by daily substitution provides an effective and natural relief, without psychoactive effects.

Available in sachets of 2, 6 or 12 units.

Directions for use: place the patch on the skin of the desired area, an area of the body relatively free of hair (or as little as possible) and joints to facilitate adhesion. After 24 hours, if necessary, replace the patch in a slightly different location than before to allow the skin to breathe.


Transdermal CBD patches: what are they, what are they for and recommendations for use?

What are CBD transdermal patches?

These are adhesive devices that are applied to the skin and release the active ingredient of CBD (Cannabidiol) continuously and for a prolonged period of 24 hours. They are patches with a daily replacement schedule that, compared to other methods of CBD administration, offer three great advantages: controlled, uniform and comfortable administration during their useful life, since it is not necessary to make reminder applications every 4-8 hours.

How do transdermal CBD patches work?

Healthy Vitality CBD patches contain an optimized dose of 24 mg or 32 mg of isolated CBD (Cannabidiol) per patch. Its formula contains pure CBD, without excipients, solvents, penetrants or enhancers that could modify the effect of CBD or alter its assimilation. With more than 99% bioavailability, the highest known, it is an alternative that allows an efficient and effective absorption of CBD. Its transdermal application allows a constant and uniform discharge of CBD during the time of use, guaranteeing its complete assimilation and avoiding the gastric system and the hepatic elimination mechanism in which conventional drugs interfere.

Transdermal patches should be applied and replaced on a daily basis to ensure their effectiveness. In order to avoid forgetfulness, it is recommended to establish a routine and always replace them at the same time of the day. If one day you forget to change it, it is not recommended to apply two patches to compensate. Just replace the patch and continue as normal. We do not recommend using a cut, damaged or modified patch, as it will lose its effectiveness.

Where to place the CBD patches?

For best adhesion and durability, it is recommended to place the CBD patch in an area relatively free of hair (or with as little hair as possible). If there is a lot of hair in the area, it can be trimmed with scissors; shaving with a razor is not recommended to avoid irritating the skin. To ensure adhesion, the skin area where the patch is to be applied should be clean and dry, free of creams, moisturizing lotions, oils or talcum powder.

The most recommended areas of the body to apply the CBD transdermal patch are the outer side of the arms, upper trunk (avoiding the chest, where the skin is more sensitive), or on the back, upper or lower back. Areas that do not receive direct sunlight have better adhesion and maintenance. At the time of replacement, it is advisable to change the application site.


  • Not suitable for children under 18 years of age.
  • For topical / external use only.
  • Avoid contact with eyes.
  • Do not use on mucous membranes, irritated and/or damaged skin.
  • Not suitable for pregnant or lactating women.
  • The CBD patch is not a medicine, but a carefully formulated topical application.
  • Any adhesive residue can be removed by washing with soap and warm water.

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Herbalists, health food stores, pharmacies, drugstores, parapharmacies and eco-bio stores already have this new range of products in full expansion.

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